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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - common sense - limited carbon resources

When did the people on this planet stop using common sense?  There are 7.3 billion people living on our planet and we are dependent on a limited resource (oil) for our survival.

Even the idea that I am having trouble getting assistance in validating this new energy invention's power projections from a worldwide credible source like G.E. and/or Siemens should outrage every single person on the planet. Humanity deserves better from all the leaders of this world. If someone approached me with a solution to most of my issues and I just ignored him I would be considered a complete idiot. This new energy invention is the solution to mankind's future and ability to survive in the future.

World oil demand is 31 billion barrels per year and growing and we will run out of oil in a relatively short time frame (50 years - 75 years) no matter what how much oil we discover.

New oil discoveries:

1. 7.5 billion barrels - North Dakota, South Dakota oil shale - 3 month world supply
2. 48 billion barrels - Gulf of Mexico deep well current discoveries - 18 month world supply
3. 300 billion barrels - Potential oil discover Australia bigger than Saudi Arabia - 9 year world supply

It doesn't take a lot of common sense to realize if we continue down this path the outcome will not be pretty.  The media's first and foremost responsibility is to inform the public of the truth, instead they have become bought by big business around the world.  It is our responsibility to inform our children and all future generations of the truth about the challenges facing our world.  In United States we don't even report about the major problems facing Europe, let alone the possible catastrophe our entire planet is facing.  I'm completely ashamed of the world leaders, media, etc. 

Just because Oil, Natural Gas and Coal Industries puts adds on TV talking about energy security doesn't make them true.  I am convinced people actually believe the world has an unlimited supply of oil due to the oil companies manipulation of the truths.  This is the most dangerous set of lies ever orchestrated on the planet and the consequences might just lead to the complete destruction of our planet and man-kind.

1. Oil Industry
   a.   Building safe and secure energy future - A limited resource cannot build a secure energy future
   b.  No such thing as peak demand - As if oil demand won't outpace supply soon and we won't have to begin to allocate resources.
   c.  B.P. gulf spill - A big sham (We will be cleaning up that oil spill for a generation).

2.  Gas Industry
  a. Safe and secure natural gas reservoirs to power our country for generations to come - They are hydro-fracking hard rock formations in the eastern part of the United States.  Hard rock formations are why earthquakes are so much more severe in the eastern part of the U.S.  If the rock formations happens to crack and allows natural gas to escape in the great lakes it would be the largest ecological disaster in history.  Possibly even destroy 20% of the fresh water on the planet.

3. Clean coal - nothing else to be said.

         Market Forces - Supply and Demand:
The Oil Companies have complete control of the price of oil and all products related to oil on the entire planet.  They no longer have to defend supply and demand by just stating that oil is now a global commodity.

Monopoly of Oil - understanding of the problem:

1. Manipulate the price of oil dramatically and blame it on world markets.

2. If economy is doing well then spike the price of oil even more which takes back any gains from the middle class and poor.

3. Europe has faced the blunt of oil pricing over the last decade which has bankrupted their economies in order to destroy their social programs.  Explain why Europe has so much more expensive gasoline if oil is a world market.

Dick Cheney and the Oil companies secret meeting of 2001 was the beginning of this monopoly policy.  The only way the people on this planet are ever going to be free from exploitation of oil is to break the stranglehold of oil companies by transforming the entire planet from a carbon based society to an alternative energy society.  It's also critical we never allow oil or energy companies ever again to monopolize energy anywhere on the planet.

We are on the verge of destroying the planet and our way of life due to ignorance and brainwashing of the media & by all the energy companies.  In order for me to get heard I have to go to such measures as spending months on social media is proof that the system has to change.

If companies and countries could bypass their our own greed, I would be willing to share this invention with the world and we could solve the energy issues theoretically forever.

I have created a clean alternative energy invention that is very Eco friendly and has the ability to create an unlimited amount of energy distributed around the planet for 100 million dollars a gigawatt with a small footprint.

Powering the Planet - Latest Current Status

Powering the Planet original video:

Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:

Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:

Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:

Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:

Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:

Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:

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