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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - Worldwide Proposal

New Clean Eco Friendly Energy Invention that can power our planet many times over - Proposal to the World Leaders
The clean alternative energy invention I created is very eco friendly and has the ability to power (500 – 1000 TW continuous of electricity) our planet 25 to 50 times over conservatively theoretically forever with a small footprint.
If this new clean alternative energy invention is capable of generating ½ of my current estimates, it would still be worth trillions of dollars, if not priceless.

Solves the following issues facing man-kind 
1.     Generates enough clean alternative electricity permanently to support and modernize the entire planet.
2.     Eliminates air pollution from burning coal and other carbon resources.
3.     Supports all the alternative energy vehicles required for modern societies.
4.     Powers all the desalination plants required to supply clean water.
5.     Solves so many other issues facing our planet it's impossible to list them all.

Even though all nations would benefit enormously, China and India have the most to gain from this new invention because of their populations and the severity of the issues facing their nations.

Challenge to World leaders:

The United States and other major countries in the world are either to skeptical, incapable or unwilling to step up and lead this project.  You have nothing to lose except for a small amount of time and everything to gain.  I understand the skepticism, so I am issuing this challenge to all the world leaders.

I am willing to share this invention openly with all the nations on the planet in return for the following agreements.  It would also not make sense for me to be poor and have solved the energy challenges of the world.  I'm also not interested in being a billionaire, so most of the money I receive will go to taxes, family members and charity.  I want the world to assist one another instead of competing to the detriment of all the people living on the planet.  We should be looking at creating a WORLD NASA to explore other worlds instead of killing one another.

1. An agreement signed between all major countries on the planet to collect a 2% royalty on all electricity generated from this invention in order to assist poorer nations in the implementation of this technology.  This organization will be controlled by engineers from the major countries without political influence in order to assist the world to make the transition from a carbon society to an alternative energy world. 

2. An agreement signed between all major countries on the planet to not allow countries to exploit electricity created in countries where the electricity can be exported to neighboring countries.  Our world has enough potential electricity generation capabilities to satisfy most of the power requirements for the majority of the planet.  The major countries must enforce this agreement through influence in order to prevent unnecessary hardships, wars, etc.

3. Compensation for myself excluding any legal fees if this invention is capable of powering the planet and only if the major countries decide to implement the technology:

   a. China - 25 million
   b. India - 25 million
   c. United States - 15 million
   d. Europe - 15 million
   e. Rest of the world - 20 million


You have nothing to lose except for a small amount of time and everything to gain.

Note: I am essentially giving this technology to the world for the benefit of man-kind.

My hope is the world comes together to create a better world for all of man-kind.

I have created a clean alternative energy invention that is very eco friendly and has the ability to power (500 – 1000 TW continuous of electricity) our planet 25 to 50 times over with a small footprint.
Powering the Planet - Latest Current Status

Powering the Planet original video:

Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:

Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:

Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:

Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:

Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:

Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:

Powering the Planet - United Nations & Scientist need to come together to save man-kind from himself:


Unknown said...

hello John rosebush,
I am Mahesh Kancheti from India.Would u contact anyone in India?

John Rosebush said...

To: Mahesh Kancheti

I do not believe the United States is capable or willing to lead the world in a transformation from a carbon society to an alternative energy society. Their concentrations of efforts are so trivial (abortion rights, back ground checks for weapons, taxing rich people, etc.) that I now believe they can’t look at the bigger issues (powering the planet, water shortages, climate change, food shortages, population control) facing man-kind. India and China make up 40% of the population of the earth and have more responsibility then all the other countries on the planet. I now believe that it’s critical India and China leads this effort. If both countries join together they have the ability to bring in most of the smaller countries in the world to join them. The group will also have the ability to bring in G.E. and Siemens to the group which in turn would be able to protect this inventions patent in the western world. I am just an average person that worked tireless for the last 7 years on creating a new energy source. I do not know how to contact India, China or any other major country. Because of my lack of trust (greed) within United States current system, I thought would go through social media in order to attempt to bring the world together for the benefit of all people living on the planet. I need assistance in bringing this to the attention of India and China leaders.

John Rosebush