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Friday, June 28, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - Idiotic ideas - Market base solution

The idea we can tax our way out of "Powering the Planet" is idiotic

People who think the solution to "Powering the Planet" through clean alternative energy is through a carbon tax is either totally foolish or living in a bubble.

The first thing we have to remember is this is a worldwide problem and not just a United States problem.  So does that mean were going to have a carbon tax on Africa and all the other 3rd world nations.  These politicians and wealthy people just think you pass a little money around that we print from paper that we can't even afford anymore and problems solved.

These are the same people who tell you they built a house last year and they never lifted a finger.  They think hiring someone to build the house is the same as building the house themselves.  Again it goes back to the idea money can solve everything.  These same people are the ones that don't respect physical work or the skill trades knowledge of people that actually work for a living.  The real problem is the world is being run by a bunch of used car salesmen.

These same used car salesmen also don't realize that its been 60 years since we had a new energy discovery.  Nuclear power was discovered in the 1950's.

The only thing that would happen is the extra cost of a carbon tax would be passed on to the consumer and the world would continue down the same path its on.  These same economist have totally bankrupted the U.S. and are systematically destroying the financial systems around the world.

There's only one way to solve the most pressing issue facing man-kind "Powering the Planet" through alternative energy, which is hard work.  That's the only way any progress has ever been made in this country or the world.  We need to get the sidewalk superintendents out of the workers way so they can save man-kind.

Powering the Planet - Latest Current Status

Powering the Planet original video:

Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:

Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:

Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:

Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:

Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:

Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:

Powering the Planet - United Nations & Scientist need to come together to save man-kind from himself:

Powering the Planet - Direct Proposal to the United Nations concerning powering the planet:

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