Mock Debate
How many people ever imagined the leading scientist and engineers are hiding instead of openly debating me about the ability to power the planet without fossil fuels.
Before we can discuss the solution and benefits to powering the planet without fossil fuels we must establish there is a problem. The following is a example of the oil discoveries and the impact it will have on our future energy needs.
Potential oil discoveries in relationship to oil demand of 34 billion barrels per year:
1. Australia 300 billion bbls - 9 year worldwide demand
2. North Dakota 7.5 billion bbls - 3 month worldwide demand
3. Gulf of Mexico 48 billion bbls - 1 1/2 year worldwide demand
Potential oil discoveries in relationship to oil demand of 34 billion barrels per year:
1. Australia 300 billion bbls - 9 year worldwide demand
2. North Dakota 7.5 billion bbls - 3 month worldwide demand
3. Gulf of Mexico 48 billion bbls - 1 1/2 year worldwide demand
4. Estimates of oil reserves in the Arctic 90 billion bbls - 3 year worldwide demand
It doesn't make any difference how much oil we find, we can't drill our way out of this problem. Man-kinds actual survival depends on our ability to power this planet without fossil fuels in the future.
It doesn't make any difference how much oil we find, we can't drill our way out of this problem. Man-kinds actual survival depends on our ability to power this planet without fossil fuels in the future.
When are leaders of the world going to understand if we're going to have a modern society that can last for thousands if not millions of years we need to preserve our oil for products? We need to quit acting like were the last generation to live on this planet. Oil products such as plastics, asphalt, roof shingles, etc. are what make a modern society possible. Oil should be treated no differently than iron ore for steel instead of burning it up for energy. We should not only preserve all the oil we can but actually make recycling plastics and all other resources created from oil a very high priority in order to preserve them for reuse to make other products in the future otherwise we will just use up all the oil. This just makes common sense. Does the world understand it would be impossible to maintain 7.8 billion people today and projected 10 billion people by the year 2050 without a modern society and without oil to make products like plastics we could not have a modern society.
First we need to establish some facts. Fossil fuels makes up approximately 86% of all energy produced on the planet and is a limited resource with a wide range of reserve estimates. We can also say with certainly that approximately 64% of electricity is produced from fossil fuels most of which is made up of coal and natural gas. We also must agree that oil is the main source of energy (98%) for transportation in this world. Finally we can agree that many of the products of a modern society are oil or natural gas based products, such as plastics, asphalt, roof shingles, fertilizers, etc. Actually almost 30% of the oil consumed in the U.S. is feed stocks to make products and not energy consumption.
The next thing I would like to establish is "Powering the Planet" is the most important issue facing man-kind. If the only thing we had to worry about was climate change we probably could deal with it because the effects on the planet are not immediate and we could adjust as the landscape and weather changes. It would be impossible for man-kind to adjust to lack of energy because our whole world is based on energy and mobility from everyday life to world trade, etc. The five most important issues facing man-kinds survival are powering the planet, water shortages, food shortages, population control, and finally climate change. All social issues are secondary compared to the ability for man-kind to survive on this planet.
The reason why I haven't attempted to patent this technology is because of the completely broken and corrupt patent system around the world. I also don't want to turn this into a lawyer's dream, which is usually what happens when there is an important technology discovery in this world. This technology breakthrough is too important to man-kinds survival and the preservation of oil for products in the future to leave it up to a bunch of lawyers working for the highest pay.
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1. Oil
2. Natural Gas
3. Coal
4. Biofuels
5. Nuclear
6. Solar
7. Wind
8. Hydro (dams)
9. Geothermal
10. ICF - inertial confinement fusion
11. Hydrogen - chemical conversion
12. Various other energy sources - (wave, ocean current, upper atmosphere wind and solar)
13. Distributed energy
14. My new energy invention
I think a good place to start the debate is with fossil fuels. Since fossil fuel is a limited resource and the big question is when are we going to run out of them before we convert over to alternative energy?
Discussion of oil:
According to the world oil reserve estimates and consumption rates today we have 47 years left before we literally run out of oil. We also know we will have better oil recovery methods and find more oil reserves in the future which will extend the life of our oil reserves. The problem is with a consumption rate of 34 billion barrels a year and growing we are not going to be able to keep up with the demand growth. It won't be long before the world begins having oil shortages if for no other reason than logistics. The world leaders also know the oil reserve estimates are at best skeptical in the Middle East. Only a few years ago the Middle Eastern countries bumped their oil reserve estimates dramatically for no reason except they wanted to show more oil reserves. The world also should be aware of the Canadian oil sands have been known for about 50 years and is not a new discovery. The North Dakota oil shale reserve of 7.5 billion barrels is a new oil discovery but it's almost meaningless because it only represents a 4 month world supply of oil consumption. The major oil countries have reserves in the tens to hundreds of billions of barrels of oil reserves. It is possible if we continue to burn fossil fuels and the arctic ice completely melts we could find more oil in the Arctic Circle. Estimates today on oil reserves in the Arctic are 90 billion barrels which represent a 3 year world oil supply. That's a hell of away to find more oil by destroying our planet. Finally if we do use up all our oil reserves than we must find replacements for so many of our products such as plastics, asphalts, roof shingles and many other products that make a modern society possible which today is impossible. Actually 30% of the oil consumed in U.S. is to make products and not energy. The world cannot support a population of 7.6 billion people today and projected to be 10 billion people by the year 2050 without oil. We would destroy ourselves fighting over the last bit of oil on the planet.
Discussion of Natural Gas:
Natural gas fracking is why we have created an abundance of natural gas reserves in the U.S. We have been fracking oil and natural gas wells in this world for many years, long before horizontal drilling. We have also been injecting water, natural gas, polymers and even things like steam in order to keep the pressure on our oil fields to keep them producing. Actually one of the major determinations of how an oil well is producing is the relationship of oil to water production. What's new to natural gas fracking today is the amount of fluids we are injecting and the pressure we are building up underground. In the U.S. the eastern half of the country is made up of hard rock formations instead of sandstone etc. in the western half of the country. This makes hydraulic fracking much more dangerous in the eastern part of the U.S. due to our inability to determine where we are fracturing the ground and our inability to protect our large aquifers including the great lakes. Once the oil companies contaminate our large aquifers they will first deny it and then finally react like B.P. in the Gulf of Mexico, except this time it will be 25% of the fresh water of the world and no way to shut off the natural gas leak. Essentially it will be the worst disaster in the history of the world. Another big issue is the leaky natural gas wells all over the world leaking methane gas which is 298 times worse on the environment than carbon dioxide.
Discussion of Coal:
Coal is the single biggest air polluter in the world. Coal ash is the waste material left after coal is burned which contains arsenic, mercury, lead, and over a dozen other heavy metals, many of them toxic. And disposal of the growing mounds of coal ash is creating grave risks to human health all over the world. Today in the Carolina's we have mounds of coal ash right next to some of the most pristine rivers in the U.S.
Discussion of Biofuels:
Biofuels could be considered an alternative energy source because of our ability to create the raw material in such a short time frame in order to produce energy. But it's essentially a fossil fuel because we have to burn it and it does create air pollution unlike hydrogen. The largest problem with biofuels is due to its direct conflict with food shortages which is another major challenge facing man-kind. We surely don't want to have to create a choice between energy and hunger.
Discussion of biomass:
Using biomass or wood chips is not a good process to generate energy. Of all the available combustion-based electricity generation technologies, biomass is the least efficient, converting only 20 to 25 percent of the potential energy in the wood. Some of the remaining energy is used to vaporize the water in the wood, and the rest is often discharged to the atmosphere using humongous quantities of river water for cooling. A typical 50 megawatt plant requires 800,000 gallons per day of fresh water, vaporizing 85 percent and returning 15 percent to the river heated and contaminated.
Because of their supreme inefficiency, colossal quantities of fuel are required. If all the trees in the U.S. were burned for biomass energy, it would meet our national energy needs for only one year. A typical 50 megawatt biomass plant burns 1.2 tons of wood each minute. The impacts on forests and the wildlife that depend on them are devastating. In addition, when trees are mined from the forest, soil nutrients are removed rather than recycled. Nutrient depletion thus renders the process of biomass production for energy unsustainable.
Discussion of Nuclear:
Nuclear has so many issues that have to be overcome before we can embrace it for the future. To begin with nuclear waste is highly radioactive and hard to dispose of. So far in the U.S. we have setup temporary storage sites connected to the nuclear plants which poses a threat for many neighborhoods, etc. Also the nuclear plants are aging and some of them are resting on fault lines, etc.
Discussion of Solar and Wind:
Wind and solar only create about 6% of the electricity on this planet. There' a reason for such a small amount of electricity being produced from wind and solar.
Wind and solar energy generation is like trying to put a square block in a round hole. Wind and solar energy are the most unreliable, intermittent natural energy sources on the planet and we are attempting to power an electric grid that requires a stable, constant energy source. Scientist and engineers should know better, yet they continue to promote these technologies.
What exactly is an intermittent energy source? It’s an energy source that can be interrupted for any length of time ranging from a few seconds to hours or even days. Electricity requires a constant stable energy source and any deviation can cause blackouts, circuit breaker failures, transformer blowouts, etc. The amount of effort to develop grid technology to handle these situations is very expensive (grid computer technology) and is still only partially reliable at best.
One solution to the problem of intermittent energy using wind or solar in an energy infrastructure is to run the electricity through a battery to create a constant flow of electricity. Presently the batteries can only store enough energy to last a few hours. Can you imagine running all our electricity through batteries? The cost would be enormous and even though it sounds outrageous, that is exactly what many experts are proposing.
Another approach is to use co-generation which is very energy wasteful because the baseline of the constant energy source (natural gas) is very high which waste much of the intermittent energy and at the same time it doesn’t eliminate any current energy infrastructure that is still fossil fuel dependent.
Finally after failed attempts to solve intermittent energy problems through co-generation, batteries and uphill water storage scientist have embraced another crazy idea to create hydrogen from wind and solar. First we lose between 40% to 60% of the potential energy generation by converting it to hydrogen. Next hydrogen is very explosive which would be extremely dangerous to store it in large quantities.
Another issue is we would never be able to eliminate the utility companies because wind and solar don’t always generate enough energy to run a household especially when we’ve had a cloudy week and the wind isn’t blowing. Unless you’re suggesting we get used to living without energy much of the time. Imagine telling your kids you planned a great dinner but all the food spoiled when we ran out of electricity yesterday. Next, the cost of batteries would be tremendous if everybody had to have one. How will the utilities stay in business if they only supply power when it’s needed?
Wind and solar are ineffective/inefficient sources when it comes to generating electricity and the scientists and engineers know this yet they continue to promote their use.
Discussion of Hydro (Dams):
Dams are the most effective alternative energy. The problem is the world is running out of places to put large dams that could actually make a difference.
Discussion of Geothermal:
Geothermal is being used in Hawaii, New Zealand and other various places around the world. Geothermal is basically the same technology as a nuclear plant except for the heat source comes from the earth instead of nuclear fusion and without all the nuclear waste. There still is a small amount of pollution from Geothermal but it's not an issue. The real problem is there aren't very many places where Geothermal makes sense in this world.
Discussion of ICF - Inertial Confinement Fusion:
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project is a joint project between China, India, European Union, Japan, Korea, Russia and United States. It is located in southern France at a cost of 16 Billion Euros. The construction phase of the project is to be completed in 2019. The goal of the project is to deliver 10 times the energy it consumes. This experimental facility once operational will input 50 MW of power with hopes the ITER machine will produce 500 MW of fusion power—the first of all fusion experiments to produce net energy. It actually uses an old concept of magnetic s' to imitate perpetual energy along with mirrors to increase the heat source. I believe cold fusion is a much better use of research dollars because of the potential in space travel.
The commercial phase of the ITER project is scheduled to begin in the early 2030's and will produce between 2 and 4 gigawatts of power. The projected demand increases for electricity around the world is 500 gigawatts of power annually for the next 20 years. By the time this project even gets its feet off the ground the world will be out of oil and the planet will be in total chaos.
The problems with the ICF program's to-date have been enormous. This includes the most important issue of not being able to effectively contain the heat generated from the lasers which is causing an unstable environment. We also cannot fire off the lasers on a continuous basis (every few seconds). Presently we are only able to power the lasers once a day in some cases.
I am a strong believer in fusion technologies, but they are not ready for primetime. We are many years away from commercial use around the world.
Discussion of Hydrogen - Chemical Conversion:
Today the only way to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen is through electrolysis from some type of power source. The most common power source is natural gas or electricity. But if we could find another catalyst to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen it would be the greatest discovery in the history of man-kind. We are now contemplating using hydrogen as an energy storage facility. The 360 turnaround from electricity regardless where the energy is generated from to storage and back to energy we lose approximately 60% of the energy potential. This has got to be one of the craziest things I heard of. The other problem storing hydrogen in large quantities is very dangerous. In the pursuit of solving intermittent energy issues the scientist are willing to do crazy things.
Discussion of Methane Hydrates - Trapped under the Oceans:
Many scientist believe if the oceans warm and release all the methane trapped (frozen) it could be the destruction of the planet because of the effects on our ozone. We have no way of trapping the methane and containing it today. So to think of this as an alternative energy source is one of the most dangerous things we could do today.
Discussion of other power sources:
Wave technology, ocean current technology, solar panels in space, wind turbines in the upper atmosphere are still in their infant stages of electricity generation. The most promising one is ocean current technology which is being explored in England presently because of its 24/7 characteristics.
Discussion of Distributed Energy:
Even the idea of individual power generation spread out throughout our planet is crazy unless we can create an abundance of power for everybody. How many of you have ever had your electric go out and it's in the middle of the winter and your neighbor has a generator. The first thing you think about is if the power doesn't come back on I'm going over to the neighbors. Now all you have to do is think about that situation on a planetary scale. Nobody would be safe and wars would breakout between neighbors, towns, fascist groups, countries, etc. due to lack of energy.
Discussion of my new energy invention capabilities:
This new energy invention I have created has the ability to generate almost unlimited amount of clean eco friendly alternative energy distributed throughout the planet with a small ecological foot print and no feed stocks for 5% of the cost of wind and solar and 20% to 30% of any electricity generated today. The reason why I'm so confident about the cost is due to the small footprint required. The only thing necessary for me to show the planet this invention is for the world leaders to come together to create a worldwide project to convert our planet from a carbon society to an alternative energy society that benefits the poor countries, poor people and strengthens the middle class around the world.
You have nothing to lose except for a small amount of time and everything to gain.
Worldwide Development Corporation - Latest Update
Powering the Planet original video:
Powering the planet - Final edition:
Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:
Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:
Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:
Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:
Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:
Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:
Powering the Planet - United Nations & Scientist need to come together to save man-kind from himself:
Powering the Planet - Direct Proposal to the United Nations concerning powering the planet:
Another issue is we would never be able to eliminate the utility companies because wind and solar don’t always generate enough energy to run a household especially when we’ve had a cloudy week and the wind isn’t blowing. Unless you’re suggesting we get used to living without energy much of the time. Imagine telling your kids you planned a great dinner but all the food spoiled when we ran out of electricity yesterday. Next, the cost of batteries would be tremendous if everybody had to have one. How will the utilities stay in business if they only supply power when it’s needed?
Wind and solar are ineffective/inefficient sources when it comes to generating electricity and the scientists and engineers know this yet they continue to promote their use.
Discussion of Hydro (Dams):
Dams are the most effective alternative energy. The problem is the world is running out of places to put large dams that could actually make a difference.
Discussion of Geothermal:
Geothermal is being used in Hawaii, New Zealand and other various places around the world. Geothermal is basically the same technology as a nuclear plant except for the heat source comes from the earth instead of nuclear fusion and without all the nuclear waste. There still is a small amount of pollution from Geothermal but it's not an issue. The real problem is there aren't very many places where Geothermal makes sense in this world.
Discussion of ICF - Inertial Confinement Fusion:
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project is a joint project between China, India, European Union, Japan, Korea, Russia and United States. It is located in southern France at a cost of 16 Billion Euros. The construction phase of the project is to be completed in 2019. The goal of the project is to deliver 10 times the energy it consumes. This experimental facility once operational will input 50 MW of power with hopes the ITER machine will produce 500 MW of fusion power—the first of all fusion experiments to produce net energy. It actually uses an old concept of magnetic s' to imitate perpetual energy along with mirrors to increase the heat source. I believe cold fusion is a much better use of research dollars because of the potential in space travel.
The commercial phase of the ITER project is scheduled to begin in the early 2030's and will produce between 2 and 4 gigawatts of power. The projected demand increases for electricity around the world is 500 gigawatts of power annually for the next 20 years. By the time this project even gets its feet off the ground the world will be out of oil and the planet will be in total chaos.
The problems with the ICF program's to-date have been enormous. This includes the most important issue of not being able to effectively contain the heat generated from the lasers which is causing an unstable environment. We also cannot fire off the lasers on a continuous basis (every few seconds). Presently we are only able to power the lasers once a day in some cases.
I am a strong believer in fusion technologies, but they are not ready for primetime. We are many years away from commercial use around the world.
Discussion of Hydrogen - Chemical Conversion:
Today the only way to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen is through electrolysis from some type of power source. The most common power source is natural gas or electricity. But if we could find another catalyst to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen it would be the greatest discovery in the history of man-kind. We are now contemplating using hydrogen as an energy storage facility. The 360 turnaround from electricity regardless where the energy is generated from to storage and back to energy we lose approximately 60% of the energy potential. This has got to be one of the craziest things I heard of. The other problem storing hydrogen in large quantities is very dangerous. In the pursuit of solving intermittent energy issues the scientist are willing to do crazy things.
Discussion of Methane Hydrates - Trapped under the Oceans:
Many scientist believe if the oceans warm and release all the methane trapped (frozen) it could be the destruction of the planet because of the effects on our ozone. We have no way of trapping the methane and containing it today. So to think of this as an alternative energy source is one of the most dangerous things we could do today.
Discussion of other power sources:
Wave technology, ocean current technology, solar panels in space, wind turbines in the upper atmosphere are still in their infant stages of electricity generation. The most promising one is ocean current technology which is being explored in England presently because of its 24/7 characteristics.
Discussion of Distributed Energy:
Even the idea of individual power generation spread out throughout our planet is crazy unless we can create an abundance of power for everybody. How many of you have ever had your electric go out and it's in the middle of the winter and your neighbor has a generator. The first thing you think about is if the power doesn't come back on I'm going over to the neighbors. Now all you have to do is think about that situation on a planetary scale. Nobody would be safe and wars would breakout between neighbors, towns, fascist groups, countries, etc. due to lack of energy.
Discussion of my new energy invention capabilities:
This new energy invention I have created has the ability to generate almost unlimited amount of clean eco friendly alternative energy distributed throughout the planet with a small ecological foot print and no feed stocks for 5% of the cost of wind and solar and 20% to 30% of any electricity generated today. The reason why I'm so confident about the cost is due to the small footprint required. The only thing necessary for me to show the planet this invention is for the world leaders to come together to create a worldwide project to convert our planet from a carbon society to an alternative energy society that benefits the poor countries, poor people and strengthens the middle class around the world.
You have nothing to lose except for a small amount of time and everything to gain.
If you are a country representative and are interested in assisting me in bringing this new energy invention to the world in a responsible way please contact me.
Contact Info:
Phone: 269-465-6348
Worldwide Development Corporation - Latest Update
Powering the Planet original video:
Powering the planet - Final edition:
Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:
Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:
Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:
Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:
Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:
Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:
Powering the Planet - United Nations & Scientist need to come together to save man-kind from himself:
Powering the Planet - Direct Proposal to the United Nations concerning powering the planet:
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