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This project is too important to the survival of mankind to have any secrets that are not necessary for the project to be successful. This project could very well determine what kind of world we will be leaving to our children. For that reason I am attempting to have as open a forum as possible.
A sustainable modern planet's foundation is energy which makes all the other things possible to sustain life. It's critical the energy source doesn't use any resources and has the ability to theoretically last forever. This doesn't mean research shouldn't continue for future energy sources if for no other reason then space travel. Water resources are probably the next most important resource for man-kinds survival. Water purification depends specifically on energy regardless if it's from a well, river, desalination plant on a ocean or some other source.
The Two letters I'm sending to law firms asking for legal representation:
Letter 1:
I am seeking legal counsel as to how I may best move forward with an important invention which I believe can help solve the world’s energy shortages--a design that will allow the generation of much higher (and cheaper) quantities of electricity for nations the world over.
However, before presenting this concept to general exposure, I need the services of a large international law firm in providing non-disclosure assurances, possible patent protection and technical validation of the concept.
The following are factors I will consider in my choice of a firm to represent me:
1) Large international presence
2) Strong engineering capabilities
3) Integrity
4) Work with a very small group of top attorneys in your firm on this project in order to ensure the privacy of this energy invention
5) No conflicts of interest that would inhibit your abilities to perform
6) Willingness to sign a non-disclosure or some type of agreement with strict penalties because of the importance of this new energy invention
7) Willingness to make this project a high priority in your law firm
8) Ability to determine the power projections of the new energy invention
9) Willing to negotiate a percentage of future royalties for working capital and long term obligations of representing this invention around the world
Please call me to arrange a meeting in you offices at your convenience.
Letter 2:
To whom it may concern:
My name is John Rosebush and I retired from Marathon Oil Company after 25 years of service. For the last 10 years I have worked on creating eco friendly alternative energy without using carbon-based natural resources in order to power the planet--theoretically forever.
I thought I would try to explain this project in a very simple what, why and how concept.
This extraordinary energy invention can power the entire planet theoretically forever. I believe this new energy invention is the only alternative energy invention to date that has the ability to power this planet that makes any common sense. The new clean eco friendly alternative energy invention has the ability to produce an unlimited amount of electricity throughout the planet for 10% to 20% of the cost of any energy produced today including that produced from fossil fuels.
I could show China, India, Europe and U.S. how to create an almost unlimited amount of clean eco friendly alternative electricity continuously throughout their countries for 10% to 20% of the cost of any electricity produced today including from fossil fuels. The reason why I’m so confident in the cost is because of the small footprint required.
I have REAL LIFE engineering examples that show the power projections of a 50GW, 200GW and 750GW implementation of SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHICAL sites. All the conceptual engineering, artist renderings, power projections, etc. are completed and ready to be illustrated and verified by outside engineers in order to VALIDATE the power projections of each example. I am completely confident that within two days, the engineers would be completely satisfied with the power projections of this new energy invention. They would also understand and agree the implementation of this energy invention is not only possible but would also not have any major issues that couldn’t be overcome.
One of the main advantages of this new energy invention is it would give us the ability to sit down with scientists and engineers from around the world and scientifically grid out the entire planet and determine exactly where and how much electricity should be generated geographically for the entire planet.
This means we could produce an Energy Implementation plan for the entire planet based on science instead of political or self interest. Because of the huge amount of electricity production capabilities of this new energy invention the Energy Implementation Plan would not only contain current use of electricity, but also include expansion plans for things like desalination plants for clean drinking water, transportation energy requirements for alternative energy vehicles, etc.
This means we could produce an Energy Implementation plan for the entire planet based on science instead of political or self interest. Because of the huge amount of electricity production capabilities of this new energy invention the Energy Implementation Plan would not only contain current use of electricity, but also include expansion plans for things like desalination plants for clean drinking water, transportation energy requirements for alternative energy vehicles, etc.
It’s also important to understand once we run out of carbon fuels, our only energy sources that will be available to us are electricity, hydrogen and compressed air. We will be able to create bio-fuels but they will only be used for specialty purposes (e.g. plastics) because they will be in direct conflict with our ability to feed the world.
This is the most important invention in mankind’s history and will change the way we think about creating energy in the future.
This is the first time in history where we have allowed old technology (carbon fuels) to be sustained where it is unwarranted due to corporate influence and power. Every scientist knows the most important thing we could do as mankind is power the planet without using up any resources if we’re going to create a sustainable future for mankind. Common sense tells you that fossil fuels are a limited resource and the world cannot depend on them for energy security long term. We can argue over the time remaining before we run out of oil, but it is a limited resource and we will run out of oil at some point in time in the future.
Only 14% of energy including transportation is produced from alternative energy today and the only thing left to exploit is wind, solar, ocean current technology, wave technology, limited amount of geothermal which even as a group is minuscule compared to the estimated future energy requirements of an additional 500 GW of electricity per year for the next 20 years. Dams have already been exploited, Nuclear is taboo and finally the Inertial confinement projects have been totally a failure to-date. According to the EIA, in 2040 the world will still use oil, natural gas, and coal for almost 80 percent of its energy supply.
We can also agree we have created a modern society based on oil products such as plastics, etc. Actually 30% of oil consumed in the U.S. is for products and not energy. Oil products such as plastics, asphalt, etc. are what make modern societies possible and are more important than oil’s energy value long term.
World oil consumption rate is so large any oil discovery doesn't even put a dent in our energy outlook.
Potential oil discoveries in relationship to current world oil demand of 31 billion barrels per year:
1. Australia 300 billion barrel early estimate which is larger than Saudi Arabia - 9 year demand
2. North Dakota 7.5 billion barrel - 3 month demand
3. Gulf of Mexico 49 billion barrel new discoveries in 2013 - 1 1/2 year demand
It doesn't make any difference how much oil we find we can't drill our way out of this problem.
Potential oil discoveries in relationship to current world oil demand of 31 billion barrels per year:
1. Australia 300 billion barrel early estimate which is larger than Saudi Arabia - 9 year demand
2. North Dakota 7.5 billion barrel - 3 month demand
3. Gulf of Mexico 49 billion barrel new discoveries in 2013 - 1 1/2 year demand
It doesn't make any difference how much oil we find we can't drill our way out of this problem.
We have to quit acting like we are the last generation to live on this planet. What happens when we use up all our carbon resources and there are 8 or 9 billion people on the planet? It's not that long in the future before we begin to run out of oil according to experts and that's if we even make it to that point because of climate change. Mankind’s actual survival depends on our ability to power this planet without fossil fuels.
It’s absolutely critical we begin a worldwide project to convert our planet from a carbon society to an alternative energy society. Mankind’s future will depend on the speediness and outcome of this endeavor. Our current world monetary system is inadequate to fund such an endeavor. The basic principle of today’s capital systems around the world is to fund projects with an immediate return on capital. This type of system makes sense if the end result is financial gain. If the end result is to create a world that is sustainable for future generations then we need to be free from these self imposed monetary shackles we have placed on ourselves. It’s critical we create a vehicle where wealthier countries can assist poorer countries with the transition regardless of the financial cost.
The following reasons are why it’s necessary to begin the worldwide project immediately:
- Survival of mankind
- It will take 20 to 30 years to convert our planet from a carbon society to an alternative energy society even with the new energy invention I have created
- Experts predict we currently have 50 years of oil remaining at our current consumption rate and even with better recovery methods and potential new discoveries our planet will soon be facing oil shortages if for no other reason than logistics.
- It’s critical we preserve as much oil as possible for products that make a modern society possible which today make up 30% of the oil consumed in the U.S.
- Even with alternative energy options, it will take a long time to replace or convert some of the uses for oil such as airline travel, asphalt, etc.
- This new energy invention is based on river flow and specific geographical areas and not country borders. In order to protect smaller countries in places like Africa and South America from exploitation's of the huge energy generation capabilities it’s important that countries share energy based on need without political motivations.
- If we want to reduce violence, eliminate potential wars (including nuclear war), reduce poverty and finally it's also critical countries make the conversion to alternative energy through assistance and cooperation and not competition. If only half the world makes the conversion to alternative energy we still have the same issues.
- Government’s responsibility, involvement and participation are critical to the success of this new energy invention for multiple reasons. The first reason is this new energy invention is based on river flow and most rivers are controlled or regulated by governments. It’s also necessary for countries to cooperate on the sharing of energy based on science. If countries want to share the ownership with private interest it is ok as long as they remain the responsible party when it comes to the any conflicts of interest with other countries.
- I could list hundreds of reasons why a worldwide project is beneficial and absolutely necessary to a successful outcome of this new energy inventions implementation.
In order to introduce and educate the world on this new energy invention I have created various platforms.
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