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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Worldwide Development Corporation - Example of letters asking for information about the energy invention - this one claims to be a G.E. employee

Example 1:

Energy Manager at NSA Annapolis, United States Naval Academy
Greetings John, are you ever around me here: Annapolis, Maryland? If so, please let me know and we'll sit down and discuss technology, I have the ear of quite a few decision makers who take my recommendations. Thanks.



I reviewed your profile and I'm very impressed with your education and background. I am curious do work for NAVFAC, Schneider Electric or both.

I appreciate your willingness to sit down and talk about energy with me but I'm really not interested in playing charades. So you understand I am connected on LinkedIn with the top people at the Dept. of Energy, Army Corp. of Engineers and many engineers and scientist in private and public positions all around the world. As you can imagine I get many inquires about this new energy invention. I also received a dozen offers from investors mostly hedge funds and venture capitalist interested in exploring a partnership with me. I have turned them all down due to either lack of trust or because of just plain greed.

Every once in a while something comes along that's more important than money, power or anything else. This is one of those times. This new energy invention can produce an almost unlimited amount of alternative electricity without feed stocks distributed around the planet theoretically forever with a small ecological foot print for an estimated cost of 100 million dollars a continuous gigawatt. Two unknown engineers which are very close to me have already validated the power projections and said the engineering is so complete there is nothing else required for the validation.

The new energy invention's capabilities are so powerful that it will replace all other forms of energy on the planet including fossil fuels which means who ever controls this new energy invention controls the world. Cheap and abundant energy allows us to fix all the other issues facing mankind like desalination of fresh water, permanent energy source, climate change, better irrigation, transportation, etc. Actually it will be the basis for a world that is sustainable for mankind theoretically forever if we just act responsible in a few other areas. A couple examples of the other areas we would need to change our priorities to recycle all products that are made from limited resources like oil to preserve those resources for future generations. Another example would be to clean up our oceans in order to create a healthy marine life that is essential to our survival. Finally quit cutting down our rain forest and rebuild it because it is the carbon filter to the world.

All these things are within our grasp if we chose to change our priorities from a consumption throwaway society to a sustainable society.

The major problem I am having is not in obtaining interest or attracting investors but to set up a path forward that allows for the benefits of this new energy invention to go to assisting the poor and rebuilding a middle class around the world instead of the few. This is the one chance we have at also fixing the wealth and income inequities that is destroying our social fabric all around the world. Even though everybody on the planet will benefit from cheap and abundant energy its critical this new energy invention instills hope and a chance at prosperity for everybody on the planet. My mission is to make sure I give this new energy invention the best chance at fulfilling that dream.

Instead of playing charades with me about this new energy invention you could help by assisting me in setting up that structure I need to bring this project forward. 

The 3 entities I need are simple. A government for influence and leadership, a large international law firm for legal work and finally a company like GE, Siemens or Caterpillar that's trusted around the world to validate the power projections which is the key to the whole thing. I know the Navy could validate the power projections but to ensure the privacy of the invention its critical the information about this new energy invention be controlled. One way to control the information is for GE, Siemens or Caterpillar to sign an agreement that they could only sell generators through this new entity for this type of energy generation. Which I can assure you there is nothing like this new energy invention anywhere on the planet.

Presently I have been asked to write a proposal to the Central Indian Government very similar to requirements I have just asked you to assist me with. 

If you are interested in assisting me please let me know.

John Rosebush

Greetings John,

     I understand being passionate, since I have seen that in you I reached 
out. There are so many different places to begin here...

BTW I do not play charades, my time is too valuable.

Any type of technology being scaled into the market place will have to be 
vetted, I applaud your two close friends but in my world that doesn't 
count, that may get you an email or telephone call (no disrespect meant 
here, just honesty).  There are many ways to strike a home-run, one such 
avenue might be through one of the national labs of the Navy's Research 
Laboratories.  I routinely work with technologies that have the potential 
to be the true needed game-changers.  My largest project is valued over 
$1B.  I am prepared to do nothing more right now than to talk with you sir, 
if that doesn't fit your paradigm to go from concept to prototype to full 
scale production, please advise.  I just returned from D.C> so I 'm tired 
and am going to chill out for a bit.  Thanks.

xxxxxxx, you never answered my first question. Do you have any affiliation with Schneider Electric. 

Thanks John Rosebush 

Greetings John,

I have never worked for Schneider, they come to me for work. I have taken advantage of free training they offer, nothing more. I work for NAVFAC, Department of the Navy.


xxxxxxx, Thank you for the quick reply. When I reviewed you profile I saw so much activity with Schneider I had to ask.

I understand the need to vet this new energy invention. My problem is how do I protect the energy invention while the vetting is going on. I know you think you see a lot of inventions that could be game changers but this new energy invention is a game changer and not because I'm enthusiastic. 

Please explain to me how do I keep this new energy invention from being stolen and exploited while attempting to bring it to the market place. Between the corrupt patent system, patent trolls and the openness that's required to vet the invention.

Thanks John Rosebush 

Greetings John,

The whole reason I wanted to have a short conversation with you was to precisely see where you are in the big scheme of things with your technology? I have worked with a lot of companies and individuals over the years to provide assistance, much of that pro-bono consulting I am not out to fleece anyone. You might be surprised to learn that patents might conceivably cover your invention, it would not be the first time I have seen that occurrence. A recent example of a tech group I'm working with is technology which has been in development for 40 years and is just not coming to market. They wanted to "test" it with me here but a first test is difficult to do, so a 13MW plant is being proofed down in Georgia, I am merely waiting for the empirical project data to review and provide my analysis. I mean no pressure and trust me, I am busy enough with everything I have going on with work not to mention 4 books, a doctorate and PhD all in the works.

As I said earlier, I like your passion and vision, just wanted to see if I could help. I can show you how to complete a myriad of free energy courses should you desire that as well, never hurts in the credentialing department. Thanks.



I appreciate you contacting me and giving me advise. I also see your a very busy individual with everything you have going on in your life today. Like I told you earlier I have been working on this new energy invention for 9+ years. Just the last 6 to 8 months I have been attempting to introduce it to the world. I realize you have worked with many energy companies and projects over the years. 

I worked with 25 retired engineers that made up almost all the engineering disciplines for almost 6 years on this project. Many of the engineers have multiple patents and we all agreed its easy to get a patent but very difficult to protect it today. Prior to working on this project I worked for Marathon Oil Company as a technical lead analyst for over 25 years. During that time I worked on many large projects and have a good idea of what a "proof of concept" curtails.

Enough engineering has been completed on this new energy invention that any engineer would consider it a virtual prototype. I know 10 out of 10 engineers would be able to validate the power projections from just the engineering which is the key to this entire endeavor. The only need to build a prototype would be to work out a few engineering issues that have more to do with stress loads, bearings, etc. than power projections. It is critical that a prototype is built at some point in time in order for this new energy invention to operate at its optimal operation if its going to be implemented around the world. But the validation of the power projections can be completed without the prototype. 

I also have a construction background dated back to the 1960's. My father owned a construction company that I began working in when I was a kid. This gives me a very good understanding of the capabilities of what can be constructed.

LinkedIn connection request are coming in from the top people all over the world and I am just beginning to receive request from countries and organizations to put together proposals for partnerships. I knew the U.S. government would be difficult to work with because of all the special and conflicted interest. I also can't open this new energy invention up to foreign governments and that's why I sent you the previous message about the things I needed to go forward such as a large international law firm and companies like GE, Siemens or Caterpillar to complete the validation in order to protect its privacy. I also am connected with on LinkedIn the very top people at the Army Corp of Engineers, Department of Energy and their counterparts all over the world. Another example is the very top person in charge of the world bank just asked to connect with me a couple of days ago. This is not an attempt to boast about the people I'm connected with on LinkedIn, its to get you to understand there is a growing interest in this new energy invention. It's to bad the leadership of the U.S. is not smart enough to understand this new energy invention will be the only energy source in the future with a few exceptions because of its capabilities and small foot print. If my claims are true about the power projections (1 GW of continuous electric without feed stocks and a small foot print distributed around the planet) of this new energy invention than it truly is the crown jewel of energy.

This new energy invention is a different approach to generating energy and after extrapolating out the power projections it became obvious almost immediately the potential of this new energy invention. It will change everything we think about energy today and in the future. 

Again, I do appreciate your time and advise Michael. 


John Rosebush

Example 2:

Dear John


Crouching Tiger
12:28 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Dear John,

I really appreciate what you are doing, try to raise awareness of a serious problem - it took so much effort to accomplish this. I have seeing you several times, on facebook, linkedin and youtube. Therefore, all your hardword has not gone unnoticed.

I think you are a good salesman, you have tried your best. Have you got a chance to talk to the GE and Siemens engineers as you wanted -- to validate your invention?

If not, here is your chance!

I am a GE guy, and worked for Siemens before. Trust me, I know it's difficult to convince the world that you are holding the holy grail of future energy, the golden key for the whole human kind. However, to a lot of people, you just another hypest, you just have not got enough credential to make all these claims. Seriously, so many smart people in the world, include people like me, we are in the business, we know how difficult it is. We have try it all, split the atoms, get water running down to the pipe, put up a big windmill to collect wind forces, cultivate a big pound of algae, etc, etc......

You just an IT guy, jumped out from nowhere, claim you have an invention to save the whole world. Do you really expect people gonna believe you? Seriously!!!

Do you even know what first law and second law of thermodynamics are? The energy cannot be created and destroyed, can not be transferred from one form to the other. For instance, you burn fossil fuels, you transfer chemical energy to heat, then convert it into power or electricity, so on and so forth.

I can tell you with a straight face -- that whatever you think you can do -- however what your motive is -- you probably be wrong!!! I give you a 99.9% chance! And I can bet my whole bank account with this!

Okay, by saying that, I still give you a chance (I happened to spend my whole life reading and proofing the ideas of people submitted to DOE, that's right the Dept of Energy, don't mind reading another idea) --- please, please, give yourself a chance, please explain what your invention is, to me, in this email.

You have approve it to, once for all, what the stuff you are holding? I hope you are not saying that you pull your chair which you are sitting, if you try hard enough, you will eventually fly up to the 2nd floor or something. You probably knew already, the world had published tens of thousands of "perpetual machine" patents. Only started in a few short decants ago, US patent office stopped accepting perpetual machine patents.

Tell me what it is, then I will give you the whole world's support, I can assign a work force 10 thousand strong. I will assign you billions of dollars. After-all, each plant I help to design, TPC (which stands for Total Plant Cost, in my profession) is several billion dollars. Money is not the problem, convincing is not a problem.


Now you have to show me your secret "saucer". What you gonna do for the world of energy!

Write a few paragraphs, I will let you know if you have anything going forward. Please keep it short.

I am waiting for you so patiently. Please, please, take this seriously. This is your first (likely the last) chance to change the world, I am on your side.

I will wait till tomorrow, that's right, you past the deadline, I am going to work on Monday......

Warmest regards,

john rosebush
10:32 AM (2 minutes ago)
to Crouching
Mr. Tiger,

I have had 20 offers to assist me from hedge funds, patent attorneys calling me and sending me false claims. Why should I think you are any different. You send me a email claiming you are so prestigious that the world will listen to you.

If you work for G.E. then have your company complete a nondisclosure agreement that protects me and this invention and I will be glad to sit down with 3 or 4 of your top engineers and show them the design, engineering design, power projections, artist renderings, etc..

You have a wonderful day at work tomorrow.

I appreciate all your effort.


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