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Monday, January 28, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - Sustainability - Mankind's future will depend on how we manage our resources


  • How many years of oil reserves do we have left? - experts predict 50 years
  • When will the government's shut off the general public use of oil for government, military, security, etc.?
  • Do you think there will be wars over oil in the future?
  • How would man-kind exist without fossil fuels?
  • How many people are living in areas where there are water shortages? - 1.2 billion people
  • How many people are living in Poverty on the planet? - almost 3.0 billion people
  • What would the world look like without oil products? (asphalt, plastics, etc. - over 6000 products)

There's almost 3.0 billion people living in poverty on this planet and almost 1 1/4 billion of those people are living in extreme poverty which means they are either starving or dying of thirst or disease.

I have created the most important invention in modern history or for that matter all of history. It has the ability to create an almost unlimited amount of energy distributed around the entire planet theoretically forever for an average price of approximately 180 million dollars a gigawatt without feed stocks & a small foot print. Because this new energy invention is priceless, my motivations are to help make the world a better place for man-kind.

If the United States is incapable or unwilling to lead this world in the conversion from a carbon society to an alternative energy society then maybe China, India or an European country will. The benefits of cheap & abundant energy are critical to the well being of this planet.

I’m asking for your help to bring the issue of “Powering our Planet” to the forefront of what is the most critical issue facing man-kind. 

What do I need to bring this new energy invention to the world:
1. China, India or an European country to partner with me
  • Write a strong enough letter to partner with me in order to attract an International Law Firm to represent me & this new energy invention
  • Influence G.E. or Siemens a trusted entity to validate the power projections for this new energy invention in privacy
  • International law firm to file a patent for this new energy invention around the world
  • Both G.E. or Siemens & the International Law Firm will then bring together a coalition of countries from around the world in order to implement this technology in a responsible way that will benefit everybody but especially the poor & middle class
We cannot continue to consume the earth’s non renewable resources & especially the carbon resources at the present rate if we want to have a sustainable future on this planet for mankind. This should not be difficult to understand, there is a limited supply of carbon and natural resources and 7.3 billion people living on our planet. It doesn't matter if we run out of the earth’s resources in 50, 60, 70 or 80 years, at the current consumption rate we will run out of resources.

Experts predict life expectancy for our carbon resources:
  • Oil – 50 years
  • Natural Gas – 100 years
  • Coal – 150 years
Demand for oil has reached 31 billion barrels of oil a year.  Experts predict the demand growth will continue until we reach 35 billion barrels of oil by the year 2035.

People all across the planet should demand their government address the issue of powering our planet. Just imagine a world without natural or carbon resources. If we don’t find a solution to powering our planet very soon (10 to 20 years) our world will face an apocalypse that makes WWI, WWII, and all other wars and disasters look minor? We are talking about billions and billions of people facing extermination.

In order to learn a great deal about the issue of powering the planet and climate change please watch the following video's:
For young people it is absolutely essential to understand what your future could hold if you don't take action.

The following alternative energy resources that are currently being used are not capable of powering our planet even as a group:
  1. 16% hydro-dams  - already been exploited
  2. 1.5% wind            - 20% effective
  3. 1% solar               - 20% effective
  4. .3% geothermal     - very few places to exploit
  5. 13% nuclear          - taboo because of the radioactive waste
  6. .003% wave          - not been able to harness its potential to date
  7. 1.3% bio fuels       - direct conflict with food shortages
Demand for additional electricity is estimated to increase by 500 Gigawatts of electricity every year until 2035.  At that point the planet will require 30 Terawatts of electricity.  Experts also predict over 80% of the new electricity will come from either coal or natural gas.  This means the world will actually become more dependent on fossil fuels while we talk about alternative energy.

At present our best scientist are spending billions of dollars and working on star trek technology:
  1. Sending solar panels into outer space and beaming lasers down to earth to a heat panel that will turn it into electricity - originally started in the 1950’s
  2. Cold fusion that has had very little success in 40 years
  3. Placing kite wind farms in the upper atmosphere to catch the wind above the earth and somehow send it down to earth
  4. Inertial confinement fusion project has been a total failure to-date.  It has not been able to produce more energy than has been input into the invention even with the 16 billion dollars expended to-date.  Even if the experiment is successful, the plan is to produce 3 Gigawatts of power.  The world is adding an additional 500 GW of electricity demand every year which makes the Inertial confinement fusion project irrelevant.
Our planet today produces approximately 21 Terawatts of electricity. This does not include transportation fuels which is made up of 98% oil.

The clean alternative energy invention I created is very Eco friendly and has the ability to create an almost unlimited amount of energy distributed around our planet theoretically forever without using any resources & a small footprint.

I worked for a major international oil company my entire career and I am very pro-oil, but we can not continue to waste carbon fuels if we have the ability to replace them with alternatives.  It's essential we preserve as much carbon fuels as possible because they will be critical for longer term uses such as making plastics, tires & 1000's of other products in the future.

This invention will actually change the way we think about generating electricity in the future, it literally has the ability to take energy generation concerns off the table for the entire world.  The urgency of implementing this new energy invention & making the conversion from a fossil fuels society to an alternative energy society is the most critical thing we could do for mankinds long term survival.

Because of the amount of energy this invention can produce it gives us the capability to solve 4 of the 5 major problems facing man-kind today.

  1. Creates enough clean energy to sustain 9 or 10 billion people permanently
  2. Solves climate change if we also embrace alternative energy vehicles
  3. Water shortages - Creates enough excess energy to build and operate desalination plants around the world
  4. Food shortages - Allows us to quit growing food for energy and concentrate on food production in order to feed the world
  5. Population control – China is the only country trying to solve population control even though I disagree with their approach. We could possibly solve the issue through tax policies.
I was asked recently do I have cost estimates, a professional demonstrator, etc. This invention can be implemented in many different ways with many different material options. It’s almost impossible to complete an accurate estimate of the cost of this invention unless we are talking about a specific installation. The only thing I can say about the “order of magnitude estimate” is it would be orders of magnitude cheaper than any alternative energy installation today. The reason why I can feel confident about the estimate is due to the amount of energy it can produce and the size of the footprint required.

I have been asking for assistance from either G.E. or Siemens or both to help me implement this new energy invention throughout our planet in a way that can benefit all of man-kind. Every once in a great while something comes along that outweighs personal interest due to the benefits of man-kind.

The way you can assist me is through assisting me in getting the attention of your leaders of your country. I’m not asking you to blindly trust the energy inventions capabilities that I am promoting. I can easily gain credibility for the invention by allowing a couple top engineers to verify the power projections in a very short time frame.

What I am asking for is to elevate the issue of powering our planet to the most critical issue facing man-kind. This should be a no-brainier due to just plain common sense.

This is not a country, democratic or republican issue, it’s about our children and grand children and the survival of man-kind.

I have created a clean Eco friendly alternative energy source that can be mass deployed though the majority of the planet with a small foot print that has the ability to power our planet.

Powering the Planet - Latest Status Update

Powering the Planet original video:

Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:

Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:

Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:

Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:

Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:

Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:

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