Here is one example article of all the smog in both China and India due to building coal fired power planets in to keep up with energy shortages. People in both countries are actually wearing medical mask and choking on the air everyday. This does not represent economic development, instead it's economic destruction which the people are having to live through.!
What's the desired result for both countries.

China and India make up over 1/3 of the total population on this planet. These two countries have the most to gain from this new energy invention. These two countries also have the most responsibility to their people and the world while attempting to modernize their countries. We also know these two countries have a larger economic expansion going on than any other country in the history of the world. I'm going to use China as an example in this blog, but everything I talk about could be related to India in the exact same relevance.
We all know that carbon resources are a limited resource. We also realize the world is running out of carbon resources and both China and India are imitating United States development approach which is totally based on carbon resources. This does not follow any logic and will eventually be a disaster.
Potential Problems with the introduction of this new energy invention:
1. The new clean alternative energy invention I created is based on geographical areas and not country boundaries. Countries the size of China, India, United States and other large land mass countries won't have a problem because of their diverse geographical areas. Smaller land mass countries might face energy shortages while neighboring countries could be energy rich. This has the potential to cause great conflict, extortion, etc. throughout the world.
2. Poorer nation's inability to implement this technology which forces them to continue to be dependent on carbon resources that could possibly be critical for other future purposes. Even if 75% of the planet converts to a non carbon based society, the other 25% of the world remains dependent on oil. This still has the potential for wars over oil not only between the countries that are based on oil, but also countries trying to preserve oil for their future needs.
3. Monetary policy - who's going to pay for man-kind saving themselves? I just want to throw my two bits into this issue. Money won't mean anything if we don't solve the ability to power our planet.
Potential Solutions to the introduction of this new energy invention:
1. Continue down our current path of either denying or ignoring the most pressing issue facing man-kind which is how do we power the planet without fossil fuels. Whatever the reasons are greed, pride, ignorance, differences between nations, etc. our children, grand children and all future generations deserve better. I will not introduce this new invention into a world that has the potential to further divide our nations. It is completely contradictive to my goal of bringing people together all around the world for the benefit of man-kind.
2. Steps necessary to introduce this new clean alternative energy invention to the world properly:
a. Credibility for this invention? - allow two or three top engineers around the world to review the power projections of this invention under strict non disclosure agreements with strict penalties.
b. Sign unprecedented agreements between nations all around the world.
c. Gather a team of top engineers from around the world for 1 to 2 months in order to put together a finished engineering design for this energy invention which includes:
1. Installation sites available in 6 or 7 major countries which will serve as a template for the rest of the world.
2. Power projections from each implementation site
3. Final engineering designs which includes an option of materials for each installation type
4. Order of magnitude estimate for 5 or 6 prototype installation sites
A new world - 21st Century expansion of China and India through a carbonless society

United States is losing its ability to lead in this world. Our government is allowing people and businesses to operate with absolutely no ethical responsibility in the name of outsourcing, hedge funds, etc. The western democracies are not only exploiting and destroying their own countries, but exploiting the third world countries around the world. The future of this new world is going to require a human voice from all parts of the world with people of goodwill.
The world is falling apart at the seams and choking itself on its own pollution and I am the one that is trying to gain credibility. Why would I wait until I was 58 years old, military service, college educated, raised a family just to scam someone. I haven't asked anybody for money, so I am trying to figure out my motives. You have to ask yourself, maybe and just maybe the gentleman has spoken the truth and everything he has presented makes sense.
The powering the planet invention and everything I have presented is true and I am asking for assistance from all across this world to bring this project to life.
I have created a clean eco friendly alternative energy source that can be mass deployed throughout the majority of the planet with a small foot print that has the ability to power our planet 25 to 50 times over.
Powering the Planet - Final Edition
Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:
Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:
Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:
Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:
Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:
Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:
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