Powering our world in the 21st century.
Currently the top 10 power generating facilities in the world create between 6,139 MW - 22,500 MW of electricity capacity.

Categories of new energy invention power generating facilities:
1. small - 1 GW to 25 GW
2. medium - 25 GW to 500 GW
3. large - 500 GW to 1 TW
I'm not as smart as most of the scientist and engineers working on power generation, but my "out of the box" thinking skills would rank higher than anybody I know.
Our world especially United States is involved with such trivia things instead of thinking about the larger challenges facing our planet. The media on both sides of the political spectrum are in competition about who can outdo one another with silly ideas and priorities which continues to divide our nation.
I have worked on this new clean alternative energy invention for the last 8 years and I have great confidence that nobody will discover how this invention works. Even though I'm quite sure there are think tanks and laboratories right now discussing if it is a scam and furiously working on trying to discover what my invention is and how it works. Most of this effort is driven by greed instead of cooperation for the benefit of man-kind.
I told myself at the beginning of this portion of the project I would give the social media three months in order to determine what type of response I would receive. I knew there would be a learning curve on social media skills and my writing skills are something to be desired, but it was very important for me to give the countries of the world a chance to come together for the benefit of man-kind instead of always being driven by greed.
But now it's time for major countries in the world to either step up and advance this project or I will take this invention to my grave. I will not allow nations and energy companies to continue down a path of greed.
I have created a clean alternative energy invention that is very eco friendly and has the ability to power (500 – 1000 TW continuous of electricity) our planet 25 to 50 times over with a small footprint.
Powering the Planet - Latest Current Status
Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN-tiqNOOeQ
Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymBqc6Un1UE
Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rPA--jCo_k
Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lj_go9A6m0
Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4oibKaqjIc
Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYvVhLPKdKA
Powering the Planet - United Nations & Scientist need to come together to save man-kind from himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVKiWQEDI9c
If you really did invent a new powering technology, if you are sincere about cooperation for the benefit of man-kind, then the only way to be sure your invention will benefit all mankind is to give it to the public domain, right on the internet, with full plans and maths.
This way, no one will be able to take it for their own benefits, as it happened so many times before. Patents are just the opposite, they make sure nobody will profit the invention they «protect» and they make it possible to bury it.
There's a chance you won't make much money by doing this. But at least, your invention will be used, and you'll be remembered for this.
I wish you're the person you claim, and I wish your invention will be.
hey you have done the right thing , let it be a need to know bases,i appreciate your idea, i think of ways we can change the world every day , and this what you are talking about can be , the get you rights and let it start turning , our time here is limited and dont go back with your idea , who knows when someone will comes up with it again , currently the world is being cunsume,by poverty,crime,war, if their is a way we can get people to change to the better would be nice.alot os has idea,but dont have the money or right support to do this,but i wish you the best friend and support 100% for just trying , some of us just sit and ready to find fault and excuse.good luck and thank you from mother earth and all species of living things which are helpless all the can do is watch mankind destroy everything.
thanks again
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