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Monday, March 4, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - New video - discussing status of project

I have created a new video in order to update you on the progress of the "Powering the Planet" project.  This new alternative energy invention has the ability to power our planet many times over theoretically forever through clean eco friendly alternative energy.  Please watch the new video I created and then watch the original video if you haven't seen it before.  Thank you for your support.

There is a simple solution to what I am asking. I am only asking for General Electric and Siemens corporations to validate my new energy inventions power projections, which would then bring all the nations of the world together to sign an unprecedented agreement among wealthier nations to assist poorer nations in the implementation of this invention.  The risk/reward ratio is so lopsided in favor of the World, that if General Electric and Siemens don't agree to review this invention, then it's because of special interest being more important than the well being of the entire planet.

I understand General Electric and Siemens corporate interest and the well being of the planet being in conflict.  Even though I believe it belittles both the companies putting their own companies' interest ahead of the well being of people living on this planet and possibly the survival of man-kind.  What I don't understand is the President of the United States listening to these corporate CEO'S who got us in this mess over an individual putting his own retirement at risk and working on a project for 9 years.  Especially when he's not asking for money, just assistance in bringing a solution to the world that has the ability to possibly save the human race.

It's easy to just brush off an individual's claims when it's so outrageous in comparison to what the rest of the world knows.  You know the world is flat.

Forgotten People

I am glad that I am the one that discovered how to power this planet because I am for the poor and middle class all around the world.  People from the White House, Chinese Consulate, India, European leaders, African Countries, to all the World Leaders in every corner of this planet you are literally living in a bubble and have forgotten about the poorest populations in your countries.

The leaders of the world must quit thinking only about their own petty interest and begin to actually cooperate and assist one another.  We must change if man-kind is going to survive and thrive in the future.  There's enough resources and work for every person living on the planet to contribute and pursue their own happiness.  We just have to have the will and desire to change.

Manipulation of Oil

This is the first time in history where we have allowed old technology (carbon fuels) to be sustained where it is unwarranted due to corporate influence and power. If we continue to use carbon fuels for all our power generation it will be the destruction of man-kind. This is not an issue of climate change, it's about sustaining 7 billion people with a limited resource that is estimated to have 50 to 100 years remaining and it will take 30 years to convert from a carbon society to an alternative energy society. This is simple math.

Building Credibility for new energy invention

All the conceptual engineering, artist renderings, power projections, etc. are completed and ready to be illustrated and verified by outside engineers. The only thing necessary for this to happen is to bring the family of nations together for the benefit of man-kind. We will then have all the scientific and engineering information in order to build an implementation plan to "Powering the Planet" based on real science instead of political or false monetary policy.

Energy solutions for the future

Carbon fuels will disappear sometime in the near future (50 to 100 years) and I believe the energy invention I created will be the basis for all energy generation in the future. That doesn't mean we won't need (biofuels) liquid fuels for special situations. I also think we should use geothermal, wind, solar, wave technology, nuclear, Dam energy where it makes since. The key is to use science and engineering to plan and create power instead of political or monetary policies.

Time to be bigger than yourself

I'm tired of trying to convince the same World Leaders that got us into this mess and have no answers to get us out;   That it's time for the leaders to step up and solve the most critical issue facing man-kind.  How do we sustain 7 billion people living on this planet for the long term?  I believe the people would not only follow their leaders, but it would begin to heal the differences between all nations and make the world a place for hope again.  The leaders of the World need to understand their people would not only respect them, they would be rewarded many times over.

The United States is either losing or lost its ability to lead this planet in the transition from a carbon society to an alternative energy society.  United States priorities are so minuscule they don't have the ability to look at the larger issues facing man-kind.  The largest challenge the United States faces are, it has lost its ability to lead through inspiration of young people around the world.  The second largest challenge the United States faces is no longer respecting physical labor.  This makes it easy for bottom feeders like Bain Capital to destroy U.S. companies and innocent folks entire lives just to ship their jobs overseas.  It's important we make a distinction between legitimate worldwide companies that have operations around the world and companies where their sole purpose is to close companies in the U.S. or Europe just to exploit cheap labor overseas.  Finally United States must reform the Stock Market to rid it from hedge funds that have created an environment where manipulation of markets have now become business as usual.

U.S. debt 17 trillion and growing - Bankrupted

Greed has no boundaries!!!! The only problem is greed has bankrupted the U.S. and we will all lose in the end.   Seventeen trillion dollars has become a joke, they might as well be talking about monopoly money.  The U.S. now spends most of its time trying to convince the world it has their debt under control.  In reality the world already knows were bankrupt, but they have no better options so they just continue to help fund us.  The biggest scam in the world continues. 

For the reasons stated above it makes bringing "Powering the Planet" solution to the world almost impossible without nations like, India, China, Russia, European Countries, Canada, Mexico, Australia, South American Countries to take the lead.

 9 years of continuous silent effort

I am one of the best "out of the Box" thinkers in the world.  Because this was my only passion once I retired, I worked 7 days a week, 16 hours a day for years trying to find an approach to "Powering the Planet" through alternative energy.  Sometimes I would get up in the middle of the night and work all night because I thought of a new idea or approach.  Very few people in the world would have continued working on a single problem for so long without giving up.  This project actually took me to my limit (7 years) before I finally discovered a solution.  Then I spent another 2 years refining the invention in order to eliminate all the issues that I could think of before announcing this inventions capability to the public.    

With all the issues facing this planet what would you do with this knowledge:

1. Give it to the world and become famous even though it would not solve the issue of the halves and halve not's. 
2. Sell it to a company or country and become wealthy even though it would probably further divide our planet.
3. Attempt to make a difference in creating a better world for future generations even though you put yourself at risk.
4. Patent technology and attempt to gain the full value of the invention which is worth trillions of dollars if not priceless.
Today wealthy people now own almost 87% of the wealth of U.S.  I'm actually debating taking the invention to my grave to allow anarchy to destroy wealthy peoples reign.  I can't imagine the spoiled wealthy children living in a bubble today continuing to have power over the general population.  It almost makes me sick to my stomach, due to their lack of respect and ignorance of how this world developed through wars, hardships and all the contributions of our forefathers.

Our children and grand-children in all nations deserve better and we all should work towards that common goal.

Powering the Planet - Current Status Update

Powering the Planet original video:

Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:

Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:

Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:

Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:

Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:

Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:

Powering the Planet - United Nations & Scientist need to come together to save man-kind from himself:

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