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Friday, November 15, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - Why scientist and engineers will never beable to duplicate or imitate my new energy invention

I have created a new energy invention that has the ability to power this planet many times over through clean Eco friendly alternative energy for a fraction of the cost of any electricity produced today.  This new energy invention has the ability to produce an almost unlimited amount of continuous electricity on the planet.  The reason why I'm so confident about the cost is due to the small footprint required.  This is the most important invention in man-kinds history and will change the way we think about creating energy in the future.

The most important trait a person with a creative mind that thinks "outside the box" is to have the motivation and determination not to quit until a solution to a problem is found.  The quality of that individual's effort is his ability to continue to improve his idea or invention after the solution is formulated until someone actually has to tell him to stop.

Engineers and Scientist have a built in deficiency that prohibits them from inventing anything creative.  If you bring up a problem to any scientist or engineer the first thing they do is relate it to some theory they have learned that forces you into a particular approach.  Usually they can explain to you what the theory is and how it has to fit into any solution that you come up with.  They also usually think their smarter then other people and are not very good barnstormer's in a truly creative environment.  This is not their fault and even if they attempt to leave their knowledge at the door it's impossible because it's totally ingrained into their personality.

The proof that scientist and engineers have a deficiency in brainstorming is a reality regardless of any arguments people may have unless you think it's impossible.  It's been 64 years since we've introduced a new electrical power generation invention.  The first nuclear power plant went live in 1951.  Since then we have spent billions and billions of dollars on alternative energy research with not one large breakthrough in electrical power generation capabilities. 

Our current research system is configured in such a way that very few truly creative ideas ever emerge.  Knowledge is necessary to refine an approach but is extremely restrictive when it comes to brainstorming solutions to problems.  That's why advances in current technology has been so impressive over the years, but new inventions are almost non existent.

Think tanks are run by the most intelligent and well educated people in our world.  By definition any solutions that evolve from the think tank will essentially be filtered by the leaders of the group.  This limits the ideas and innovations to the knowledge of the leaders of the think tank.  Creative minds regardless of intelligence should share equally the leadership and control of the think tanks if you want truly revolutionary ideas to emerge.

New energy invention project:

My Background:

a. Worked in a think tank environment almost 25 years.  Actually sit in a room with a group of people sometimes months or even years working out solutions to issues and problems on various I.T. projects covering a wide range of disciplines.

b. Worked construction almost my whole life which honed my common sense and hands on approach to the construction industry.

c. Combining the above skills along with my experiences in tool and die, welding and mechanical work in my life gave me a unique set of skills which allowed me to take a different perspective on creating energy from river flow.  I was also lucky enough to have the money to finance this nine year endeavor without having to answer to anyone except myself.

New Energy Invention experiences:

1. Total Failure - I worked on this invention continuously for 8 years with no success.  During those 8 years I worked all night sometimes, I woke up in the middle of the night because I thought of something that might of been a breakthrough, I built many prototypes that failed in the rivers and finally I threw my hands up and resigned myself that it was impossible to generate a large amount of energy in a river.

2. End of Project - I decided it was time for me to end working on the energy invention and move on in my life.  This would be the first time I had ever failed to come up with a way to solve a problem in my life and it was hard to quit, but for 2 months I sit idle, even though it was on my mind constantly.

3. Totally different direction (new beginning) - One day I thought of a totally new approach in capturing the energy from river flow that was a combination of a couple of the concepts I had been working with and it made sense.  So I decided to do a little research and it completely became clear this was possible and so I discussed it with another engineer that I knew and he thought I was completely crazy at first.  About a week later he called me and told me that it makes sense and it might just work.  So we both did the math on the power projections separately and came within 10% of one another.

4. Initiation of 2nd round of new energy invention - I worked on the new energy invention for 1 year refining the invention and the implementation issues.  I finally thought I was at a point where I have completed a "proof of concept" that had all the parts necessary in order to prove the new energy inventions capabilities.  I had all the engineering drawings, power projections (simple math equations) and even artist renderings of the new energy invention.

5. Disclosure issues of new energy invention - I knew there were major issues within the patent systems around the world and that was not an option until I could gather a strong enough backing to protect the new energy invention.

6. Successful creation of worldwide project - It's critical we create a worldwide project to implement this new energy invention through cooperation and not competition.  I first thought I could create a social movement in order to create a worldwide project because this new energy invention has the ability to shape the world for our children and all future generations.  Once that failed, I finally decided to bring the new energy invention's capabilities to the scientist and engineers on LinkedIn because they have the ability to understand the major issues facing man-kind.

7. Present day - I need assistance in order to launch this new energy invention around the world.  It truly has the ability to change the way we think about creating energy in the future.  I believe it has the ability to make almost anything possible in the future.  I know it will have a huge impact on the world, but the alternative is the complete destruction of this planet and man-kind as we know it today.

I had a decision to make after 8 years of failure because I was running out of money.  Do I continue working on this project or try to get my financial condition back in order.  Because of the welfare of all our children might depend on the outcome of this new energy invention I had to continue to pursue the new energy invention regardless of the hardships that could be placed on me or my family.

Note: While I have been working on the disclosure of this new energy invention through social media, I have discovered a way to simplify the implementation of this new energy invention ten fold and give the engineers a wide range of options.


You have nothing to lose except for a small amount of time and everything to gain.

I need responses from any governments that are interested.


Note: I am essentially giving this technology to the world for the benefit of man-kind.

My hope is the world comes together to create a better world for all of man-kind.

Powering the Planet: Latest Video

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