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Monday, January 28, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - China the biggest debacle in world history


China had the opportunity of a lifetime to develop their country for the 21st century. It was a unique opportunity that no other large country in the world has ever had.

So lets talk about China's economic expansion which I like to call economic destruction. China's economic expansion is the largest and fastest in the history of the planet. They are expanding their economy at an unprecedented rate. The only problem is instead of developing a country for the 21st century that is environmentally friendly, sustainable and where everybody benefits they followed the U.S. 20th century model that is based on greed and at the same time China didn't create a strong environmental protection agency. With this type of atmosphere what's happened to China could of easily been predicted. What I can't believe is China didn't realize one of the governments main functions is to protect the people from companies potential environmental damage while at the same time promote development. All they had to do was to look at the U.S. history during its industrial revolution and why the EPA in the U.S. was created in the first place.

They followed the pure capitalism path because so many of the new young Chinese future leaders went to western universities like Harvard, Oxford, etc. The only problem is the capitalism today is based on nothing but greed at all cost without any concern for anything but quarterly profits.

China don't you realize this is one of the reasons why U.S. and European companies were so anxious to come to your country to set up manufacturing facilities in the first place. I also am amazed at the influence of the west has had on China where they would allow their own people to be exploited by western companies in order for a few people in China to become wealthy and the rest of the people to become almost slave workers.

Instead of creating a balance between the economy and environment that could of led to a country that would ensure China's future, they decided to take the easy approach based on greed which has led China to a place that is more like hell on earth then a developed country.

Over 60% of China's groundwater is polluted.

Two different reports show between 60 and 70 percent of underground water in China, and one-third of its surface water has been rated unfit for human contact last year, according to the environment ministry in Beijing. That's the actual governments comments which have always attempted to hide the truth about its environment from the world. 


China also admits that 1/5 of its Agriculture land is so polluted its unfit for human use

A fifth of China's farmland is polluted, according to an official report based on the results of an extensive survey. Soil pollution has long been a concern in China due to the country's rapid industrialization and the report carried on the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection confirms the extent of the problem. The report states that pollutants in more than 16% of Chinese soil exceeds national standards and that figure rises to 20% for arable land. If the Chinese Government says 20% you can bet it is closer to 30% of the agricultural land is unfit for agriculture use. 
Air pollution is so bad people are wearing medical mask to even breathe in China's largest cities

ARTICLE DATED: 12/15/2015 - In addition to Beijing and Shanghai, at least 30 other cities in northern China are also shrouded in a blanket of thick smog, China’s environmental ministry reportedly said Sunday.



Inside Beijing's airpocalypse – a city made 'almost uninhabitable' by pollution


VIDEO - China's out of control pollution

China's Economy

China's economic crisis is coming. China is now facing rich country problems on a poor country budget.


How China could trigger a global crisis



I have created a clean Eco friendly alternative energy source that can be mass deployed throughout  the planet with a small ecological foot print that has the ability to generate almost unlimited amount  of energy without feed stocks for 180 million dollars a continuous gigawatt.  

I could show China how to generate enough clean energy to power their entire country for a one time cost of 196 billion dollars and a small ecological foot print. Actually, China could generate 5 Terawatts of continuous electricity which is 5 times the amount of electricity generated in China for a one time cost of less than a trillion dollars. This would allow China to power their entire country including all land transportation fuels, desalination plants for fresh water and just about anything else they could think of. China would become an utopia instead of a ecological disaster in just a few years.

If you are a country representative and are interested in assisting me in bringing this new energy invention to the world in a responsible way please contact me.
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