Priorities of scientist are out
of touch with reality
of touch with reality
I feel like Henry Ford trying to gain credibility from bankers on how to build automobiles.
We are literally facing distinction for man-kind as we know it today if we don’t solve the issue of powering our planet through clean alternative energy that is sustainable for the long term.
Most of the scientist and experts believe we are facing an apocalypse beginning in the next 20 to 30 years if we continue down our current path. In the mean time every country world leader, oil, gas, coal, energy company and media outlet in the world are acting totally irresponsible by not bringing this to the attention of our youth.
Our best scientist are spending billions of dollars and working on crazy star trek stuff.

a. Beaming lasers down to earth from outer space to a heat panel that will turn it into electricity
b. Cold Fusion and now the Inertial Confinement Fusion projects have had very little success in 40 years

c. Kite wind farms in the upper atmosphere to catch the wind and some how send the electricity down to earth.
I have created a clean eco friendly alternative energy invention that can be mass deployed though the majority of the planet with a small foot print that has the ability to create between 500 and 1000 TW of electricity throughout 80% of the planet. That's 25 to 50 times the amount of electricity our planet produces today.
The rest of the scientist are being paid by companies to push wind and solar projects around the world to make money.
Powering the Planet - Final Edition
Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:
Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:
Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:
Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:
Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:
Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:
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