Solution to the worlds power generation problems
I have been approached to possibly present my invention to China at the upcoming
conferences on climate change and the ability to power our planet in the future, Below is an actual picture of China over the last few days. The last picture is what China could look like with implementation of my invention.
I am for China and want to assist, but China needs to realize other nations don't face the same problem, but their poverty problems are just as bad if not worse. We need to come together as a planet and solve the issue of powering the planet with nations cooperating with one another.
I have created a clean alternative energy invention that is very eco friendly and has the ability to power (150 - 200 TW of continuous electricity) our planet 10 to 15 times over conservatively with a small footprint. I have been invited to MIT and various other places to talk about my invention. It's critical I get the entire world's attention for this project.

I want to use China as an example because they are expanding their economy the fastest, even though I could use the United States, Europe, Africa,, South America or India as an example. Today China produces approximately 1 TW of continuous power. I could sit down with Chinese scientist and engineers and in 2 days they would all agree with my power projections of 20 TW of continuous power projections conservatively distributed throughout China with a small footprint. They would also agree with projections of being able to create between 1 to 3 TW of continuous power with the next 10 years. The only reason for a 10 year implementation is because of manufacturing start-ups. learning curve, etc.; otherwise the time frame would be much shorter.
I was asked recently if I have cost estimates, a professional demostrator, etc. This invention has the ability to be implemented in 5 different ways with many different material options. It's almost impossible to complete an accurate estimate of the cost of this invention unless we are talking about a specific installation. The only thing I can say about the "order of magnitude estimate" is it would be orders of magnitude cheaper than any alternative energy installation today. The reason why I can feel confident about the estimate is due to the amount of energy it can produce and the size of the footprint required.
China today China Tomorrow

*** New Video ***
Powering the Planet - Final Edition
Powering the Planet original video:
Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:
Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:
Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:
Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:
Powering the Planet - World leaders put all chips on unsuccessful experimental ICF projects:
Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:
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