China, India, Mexico City and many other countries and cities around the world are so polluted that there 50 times the level of what is considered to be a dangerous level to humans from coal burning electricity plants. Instead of trying to reduce the coal plants around the world, most of the same countries actually have plans to build more of them.

African countries are taking turns committing genocide on their own people. Because of poverty, corruption of the government officials, exploitation of oil, gold mines, etc. the people have turned to kidnapping, pirating, slaughtering animals for tusk and anything else they can do to survive. Recently they have even turned to supporting terrorism.

Europeans are paying $10 dollars a gallon for gas which is destroying their economies. The unemployment rate is double digits and growing in most countries in Europe. The deficits are out of control in many European countries and getting worse in many more. The governments are slashing their social programs that were built up over many years that made Europe a special place. In reality the entire fabric of the European societies are being torn a part at their core. In response the young people are rioting and are restless all across the continent.

We are destroying man-kinds ability to survive and advance the human race in the future.
It's Simple math
7 Billion people - 50 years of oil remaining
30 years to convert to a carbonless society even with a solution.
How do you convince man-kind to save itself from total destruction.
We are running out of carbon resources, climate change is beginning to destroy our world, wars, genocide, United States and Europe are bankrupt, China, India and many other countries are building coal burning electrical generation facilities at an unprecedented rate and I am the one seeking credibility, when all these so called experts and engineers around the world have put our entire planet and civilization at risk.
I have created a clean alternative energy invention that is very eco friendly and has the ability to create an almost unlimited amount of continuous electricity with a small footprint.
Powering the Planet - Latest Current Update
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Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:
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