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Friday, February 15, 2013

Worldwide Development Corporation - I still believe one man can change the world

We all need to think of ourselves as a citizen of this planet instead of a narrowed minded view of just what's good for me or for my country.  This clean energy invention is a worldwide solution that has the ability to change the life of every single person on the planet if implemented correctly.  I care the same about any young person or family and their dreams regardless of what country in the world they live.  Everybody living on this planet has so many things in common and very few differences; usually it's the governments that have all the conflicts.

We need to quit acting like the carbon and natural resources that we keep consuming at an alarming rate doesn't have any future consequences. Were acting like were the last generation to live on this planet.

I am willing and able to share this invention anytime with the world leaders once they either get over their skepticism, greed or whatever is holding them back and come together for our children, grand children and future generations.  If for example another country comes up with my solution it will still cost all the countries the same amount and poorer countries would not receive the assistance, middle class won't be rebuilt and the world as a whole will not change.  I think it would be the biggest mistake our world leaders could make at this time in the evolution of man-kind.

Why am I attempting to implement this technology in an unorthodox manner instead of the traditional path of patenting the technology?  Are the world leaders satisfied with the state of our world today?  If this invention is implemented traditionally it will not solve or change anything in our world.  That means we will still have very wealthy and poor nations, conflicts will continue throughout the world.  Oh boy, I would become a billionaire. 

By implementing this invention in the manner I propose it will still be a huge benefit for the utility companies, generator manufacturers, etc.  I am not trying to stop capitalism, just pass most of my profits on to poorer nations and rebuilding the middle class in order to help create a healthier world.  Utility companies will still make their margins; hopefully it will be from a much lower base.  Oil companies and countries will not be impacted immediately due to the amount of time it will take to transition our world to a carbon-less society and oil will become much more valuable over time instead of wasting it on energy it can be saved for feed stock in making products as the world economy grows from almost unlimited alternative energy that will be available all around the world.  Oil companies must realize they will run out of oil anyway in a relatively short time frame.

The implementation of this clean alternative energy invention will create so much employment that it will boost the world economies for 20 to 30 years.

Future opportunities with new energy invention:
1. Autos - Hydrogen, Compressed Air, Electric  (combinations of all 3 types)
2. Semi-trucks - Hydrogen, Compressed Air, Electric (combinations of all 3 types)
3. Boats - Hydrogen, Compressed Air
4. Lawn mowers - Hydrogen, Compressed Air
5. Farm Equipment - Hydrogen, Compressed Air, Electric (combinations of all 3 types)
6. Airplanes - Hydrogen, Compressed Air
7. Trains - High speed Electric, Hydrogen and/or Compressed Air
8. All other transportation vehicles
9. Convert gas stations - Hydrogen and/or Compressed Air stations
10. Electric charging stations for auto's possible in home, work, public places
11. Home utilities - electric heat
12. Commercial utilities - electric heat
13. Desalination plants - Build around the world for clean water
14. Electric Grid - Build and expand electric grids around the world
15. Install new clean energy invention around the world
16. Install other alternative energy options where needed.
17. All the engineering, planning required to complete the largest project this world has ever faced
18. Maintain the current energy systems while the transition is completed
19. Decommission all the old energy technology around the world.
20. I could list 500 more things that would be required to complete the transition to a carbon-less society and create a healthy world

I have created a clean alternative energy invention that is very eco friendly and has the ability to create an almost unlimited amount of electricity with a small footprint. This is truly about mankinds actual survival in the future.

If you are a country representative and are interested in assisting me in bringing this new energy invention to the world in a responsible way please contact me. The future generations are counting on us to get this right. To create a sustainable planet for future generations is the ultimate responsibility for mankind.

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Powering the Planet - survival of man-kind:

Powering the Planet - How do we Power our Planet in the Future:

Powering the Planet - Power China, India and U.S. thru only 2 alternative energy installation sites:

Powering the planet - New Energy Invention capabilities destroys value of world currencies:

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Powering the Planet - Were creating a dead world without fossil fuels -Experts predict 50 years of oil:

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